Durham School Board to Support Critical Race Theory 6/24

Min. Paul Scott
2 min readJun 19, 2021


Image courtesy of wynpnt @pixabay.com

Dear Durham Community,

Although right wing conservative groups across the country , especially in North Carolina, have tried to bully school boards into banning critical race theory and anti-racism education, this Thursday , June 24, the Durham NC School Board has a chance to make history by being one of the first school boards in the country to pass a resolution supporting critical race theory and anti-racism education.

Last month, I , along with other local activists, in Durham NC petitioned the school board to draft a resolution against NC House Bill 324, which is North Carolina’s version of anti-critical race theory legislation.

Request for Proclamation Against HB 324 | by Min. Paul Scott | May, 2021 | Medium

The Durham school board responded by drafting a resolution at its May 20, 2021 meeting and is scheduled to vote on passing the resolution at its June 24 board meeting.

Resolution DPS Oppose HB324.pdf (dpsnc.net)

African American students make up 41% of the student population in Durham public schools , so the legislation will ,disproportionately , effect our children. Therefore, we are asking that Black parents contact the Durham Board of Education BOE@dpsnc.net to show your support for the bill and to show up at 6:00 PM for the June 24th School Board Meeting in the Minnie Forte-Brown Staff Development Center, Room M-1, 2107 Hillandale Road, Durham, North Carolina.

Please let your voices be heard and let it be known that will not be silenced !

Thank you,

Min. Paul Scott, founder

Black Messiah Movement

Durham NC

(919) 972–8305



Min. Paul Scott
Min. Paul Scott

Written by Min. Paul Scott

Minister Paul Scott is a Durham NC activist

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