Request for Proclamation Against HB 324
Dear Durham Board of Education,
Recently, the North Carolina House of Representatives passed House Bill 324, putting the Tar Heel State on the frontlines of the current civil “woke” war against critical race theory and anti-racism education taking place in states across the country. The bill is problematic on many levels. Not only will it hamper educators from teaching such subjects as African American history, but it will also prevent students from asking questions in class. This may lead to disciplinary actions which will further contribute to the dropout rate and the school to prison pipeline which, disproportionately, impacts Black males.
Therefore, I am asking that the Durham Board of Education issue a proclamation against HB 324. Durham is known as a progessive city , so I am asking you to be progressive on this important issue. I am also submitting this via the public comment form so that it may be read into the record at the May 20 school board meeting.
Thank you,
Minister Paul Scott, founder
Black Messiah Movement
PO Box 15123
Durham NC 27704
(919) 972–8305