Introducing the African American Truth Commission
During the late 19th century , a popular cry that could be heard echoing throughout the southern woods was “the South shall rise again !” In 2021, the rebel yell is “death to critical race theory !” Although, critical race theory is a blanket term that covers anything critical of traditional Eurocentric thought , most of the venom being spewed is against Black history, as the opponents of CRT have , savagely attacked the 1619 Project and everything else that they claim blames White folk for their role in oppressing everybody else on the planet. This puts Black cultural education straight in their crosshairs,
At a time of racial turmoil in this country, it is imperative that citizens, especially the youth, understand how we got here. As many people are trying to dig up historical facts, a growing number of conservatives seem determined to keep them buried.
Although the attack on critical race theory aka “woke education” is happening across the country, for some reason, North Carolina seems to be a battleground state in the uncivil woke war. So the Tarheel State is the perfect place to start fighting back.
We are organizing the African American Truth Commission. It is our goal to make sure that Black history is being taught, correctly, to students and to defend the rights of the educators who teach it. We will also strive to defend Black history against distorted right wing talking points and propaganda.
Historically, African Americans have suffered from academic apartheied and now with the onslaught of classroom colonization, it is important that we organize. We are looking for Black parents, students, activists, scholars, etc to join us in this crusade.
As we try to break the bondage of mental slavery, we must fight against those who are trying to put us back on the plantation.
For more information , visit the website
Min. Paul Scott is founder of the Durham NC based Black Messiah Movement. He can be reached at (919) 972–8305 or Twitter @truthminista